Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Making of Infosys

It was in Pune that I met Narayan  Murty through my friend Prasanna  who is now the Wipro chief, who was also  training in Telco. Most of  the books that Prasanna lent me had Murty's name on  them  which meant that I had a preconceived image of the man.  Contrary to  expectation, Murty was shy, bespectacled and an  introvert. When he invited us  for dinner. I was a bit taken  aback as I thought the young man was making a  very fast move. I  refused since I was the only girl in the group. But Murty  was  relentless and we all decided to meet for dinner the next day at 7.30  p.m.  at Green Fields hotel on the Main Road, Pune.   

The next day I went there at 7' o clock since I had to  go to the  tailor near the hotel. And what do I see? Mr. Murty waiting in  front  of the hotel and it was only  seven.  Till today, Murty maintains that I had  mentioned (consciously!)  that I would be going to the tailor at 7 so that I  could meet  him...And I maintain that I did not say any such thing consciously   or unconsciously because I did not think of Murty as anything other  than a  friend at that stage. We have agreed to disagree on this  matter.   

Soon, we became friends. Our conversations were filled  with  Murty's experiences abroad and the books that he has read. My  friends  insisted that Murty was trying to impress me because he was  interested in me.I  kept denying it till one fine day, after dinner  Murty said, I want to tell you  something.  I knew this was it. It was coming. He said, I am 5'4" tall. I come   from a lower middle class family. I can never become rich in my  life and I can  never give you any riches. You are beautiful, bright,  and intelligent and you  can get anyone you want. But will you marry  me? I asked Murty to give me some  time for an answer. My father  didn't want me to marry a wannabe politician,(a  communist at  that) who didn't have a steady job and wanted to build  an  orphanage...  

When I went to Hubli I told my parents  about Murty and his  proposal. My mother was positive since Murty was also from   Karnataka, seemed intelligent and comes from a good family. But my father  asked: What's his job, his salary, his  qualifications etc? Murty was working as  a research assistant and was earning less than me. He was willing to go dutch  with me on our outings. My parents agreed to meet Murty in Pune on a   particular day at10 a. m sharp. Murty did not turn up. How can I  trust a man to  take care of my daughter if he cannot keep an  appointment, asked my father. At  12noon Murty turned up in a bright  red shirt! He had gone on work to Bombay,  was stuck in a traffic  jam on the ghats, so he hired a taxi (though it was  very  expensive for him) to meet his would-be father-in-law.  Father was  unimpressed. My father asked him what he wanted to  become in life. Murty said  he wanted to become a politician in  the communist party and wanted to open an  orphanage. My father  gave his verdict. NO. I don't want my daughter to marry  somebody  who wants to become a communist and then open an orphanage when he   himself didn't have money to support his family.  Ironically, today, I have  opened many orphanages something, which Murty wanted to do 25 years ago.  

By this time I realized I had developed a  liking towards Murty  which could only be termed as love. I wanted to marry  Murty  because he is an honest man. He proposed to me highlighting the   negatives in his life.  I promised my father that I will not marry Murty without  his  blessings though at the same time, I cannot marry anybody else.  My father  said he would agree if Murty promised to take up a  steady job. But Murty  refused saying he will not do things in  life because somebody wanted him to.  So, I was caught between  the two most important people in my life.  

The stalemate continued for three years  during which our courtship  took us to every restaurant and cinema hall in Pune.  In  those days, Murty was always broke. Moreover, he didn't earn much  to  manage. Ironically today, he manages Infosys Technologies Ltd., one of the  world's most reputed companies. He always owed me  money. We used to go for  dinner and he would say, I don't  have money with me, you pay my share, I will  return it to you  later. For three years I maintained a book on Murty's debt to   me.  No, he never returned the money and I finally tore it up after  my wedding.  The amount was a little over Rs 4000.    

During this interim period Murty quit his  job as research  assistant and started his own software business. Now, I had to  pay  his salary too!  Towards the late 70s computers were entering India in a  big way.  During the fag end of 1977 Murty decided to take up a job as  General  Manager at Patni Computers in Bombay. But before he joined  the company he  wanted to marry me since he was to go on training to  the US after joining. My  father gave in as he was happy Murty  had a decent job, now. WE WERE MARRIED IN  MURTY'S HOUSE IN BANGALORE ON FEBRUARY 10, 1978 WITH ONLY OUR TWO FAMILIES   PRESENT.I GOT MY  FIRST SILK SARI. THE WEDDING EXPENSES CAME TO ONLY RS 800 (US  $17) WITH MURTY AND I POOLING IN RS 400 EACH.  

I went to the US with Murty after marriage.  Murty encouraged me to  see America on my own because I loved traveling. I  toured  America for three months on backpack and had interesting  experiences  which will remain fresh in my mind forever.    

Like the time when the New York police took  me into custody  because they thought I was an Italian trafficking drugs in  Harlem.  Or the time when I  spent the night at the bottom of the Grand Canyon  with an old  couple. Murty panicked because he couldn't get a response from my  hotel room even at midnight. He thought I was either killed or   kidnapped.

IN 1981 MURTY WANTED TO START INFOSYS. HE  HAD A VISION AND ZERO  CAPITAL...initially I was very apprehensive about Murty  getting  into business. We did not have any business background. Moreover we   were living a comfortable life in Bombay with a regular pay check  and I didn't  want to rock the boat. But Murty was passionate about  creating good quality  software. I decided to support him. Typical of Murty, he just had a dream and no  money. So I gave him Rs. 10,000 which I had saved for a rainy day, without his  knowledge and told him, This is all I have. Take it. I give you three years  sabbatical leave. I will take care of the financial  needs of our house. You go  and chase your dreams without any  worry. But you have only three years!  Murty  and his six colleagues started Infosys in 1981,with  enormous interest and hard  work. In 1982 I left Telco and moved  to Pune with Murty.We bought a small house  on loan which  also became the Infosys office. I was a  clerk-cum-cook-cum-programmer. I also took up a job as  Senior Systems Analyst  with Walchand group of Industries to support  the house. In 1983 Infosys got  their first client, MICO, in Bangalore. Murty  moved to Bangalore and stayed  with his mother while I went to  Hubli to deliver my second child, Rohan. Ten  days after my son  was born, Murty left for the US on project work.  I saw him  only after a year, as I was unable to join Murty in the  US because my son had  infantile eczema, an allergy to  vaccinations.

So for more than a year I did not step  outside our home for  fear of my son contracting an infection. It was only after  Rohan  got all his vaccinations that I came to Bangalore where we rented a small  house in Jayanagar and rented another house as  Infosys headquarters. My father  presented Murty a scooter to commute.  I once again became a cook, programmer,  clerk, secretary, office  assistant et al. Nandan Nilekani (MD of Infosys) and  his wife Rohini stayed with us. While Rohini babysat my son, I wrote programs   for Infosys. There was no car, no phone, and just two kids  and a bunch of us  working hard, juggling our lives and having fun  while Infosys was taking shape.  It was not only me but also the  wives of other partners too who gave their  unstinted support. We  all knew that our men were trying to build something  good. It was  like a big joint family, taking care and looking out for one  another.

I still remember Sudha Gopalakrishna  looking after my daughter  Akshata with all care and love while Kumari Shibulal  cooked  for all of us. Murty made it very clear that it would either be  me or  him working at Infosys.  Never the two of us together... I was involved with  Infosys  initially. Nandan Nilekani suggested I should be on the Board  but  Murty said he did not want a husband and wife team  at Infosys. I was shocked  since I had the relevant experience and  technical qualifications. He said,  Sudha if you want to work with  Infosys, I will withdraw, happily. I was pained  to know that I  will not be involved in the company my husband was building and   that I would have to give up a job that I am qualified to do and love doing. It  took me a couple of days to grasp the reason  behind Murty's request.  I  realized that to make Infosys a success one had to give one's  100 percent. One  had to be focused on it alone with no other  distractions. If the two of us had  to give 100 percent to Infosys  then what would happen to our home and our  children? One of us  had to take care of our home while the other took care of   Infosys. I opted to be a homemaker, after all Infosys was Murty's  dream. It was  a big sacrifice but it was one that had  to be made. Even today, Murty says,  Sudha, I stepped on your  career to make mine. You are responsible for my  success. I might  have given up my career for my husband's sake.  But that does  not make me a doormat...    

Many think that I have been made the  sacrificial lamb at Narayan  Murty's altar of success. A few women journalists  have even  accused me of setting a wrong example by giving up  my dreams to make  my husbands a reality. Isn't freedom about  living your life the way you want  it? What is right for one  person might be wrong for another. It is up  to the  individual to make a choice that is effective in her life.  I feel that when a  woman gives up her right to choose for  herself is when she crosses over from  being an individual to a  doormat. Murty's dreams encompassed not only himself  but a  generation of people. It was about founding something worthy,  exemplary  and honorable. It was about creation and distribution of  wealth. His dreams  were grander than my career plans, in all  aspects. So, when I had to choose  between Murty's career  and mine, I opted for what I thought was a right choice.  We had a home and two little children. Measles, mumps, fractures, PTA  meetings,  wants and  needs of growing children do not care much for grandiose dreams.   They just needed to be attended to. Somebody had to take care  of it all.  Somebody had to stay back to create a home base that  would be fertile for  healthy growth, happiness, and more  dreams to dream. I became that somebody  willingly.  I can confidently say that if I had had a dream like Infosys, Murty  would have given me his unstinted support. The roles would have  been  reversed.

We are not bound by the archaic rules of  marriage. I cook for him  but I don't wait up to serve dinner like a traditional  wife.  So, he has no hassles about heating up the food and having his  dinner.  He does not intrude into my time especially when I am  writing my novels. He  does not interfere in my work at the  Infosys Foundation and I don't interfere  with the running of  Infosys. I teach Computer Science to MBA and MCA students  at  Christ college for a few hours every week and I earn around Rs  50,000 a  year. I value this financial independence greatly  though there is no need for  me to pursue a teaching career.  Murty respects that. I travel all over the  world without Murty  because he hates traveling. We trust each other  implicitly.

We  have another understanding too. While  he earns the money,  I  spend it, mostly through the charity. Philanthropy is a   profession and an art... The Infosys Foundation was born in 1997 with the sole  objective of uplifting the less-  privileged sections of society. IN THE PAST  THREE YEARS WE HAVE BUILT HOSPITALS, ORPHANAGES, REHABILITATION CENTRES, SCHOOL  BUILDINGS, SCIENCE CENTRES AND MORETHAN 3500 LIBRARIES. Our work is mainly in  the rural areas  amongst women and children. I am one of the trustees and our   activities span six states including Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,  Andhra, Orissa,  Chandigarh and Maharashtra. I travel  to around 800 villages constantly. Infosys  Foundation has a  minimal staff of three trustees and three office members.  We  all work very hard to achieve our goals and that is the  reason why Infosys  Foundation has a distinct identity. Every  year we donate around Rs 5-6 crore  (Rs 50 - 60 million).  We run Infosys Foundation the way Murty runs Infosys in  a  professional and scientific way. Philanthropy is a profession and  an art. It  can be used or misused. We slowly want to increase  the donations and we dream  of a time when Infosys Foundation could donate large amounts of money. Every  year  we receive more than 10,000 applications for donations.  Everyday I  receive more than 120 calls. Amongst these, there are  those who genuinely need  help and there are hood winkers too.  I receive letters asking me to donate Rs  five lakh to someone  because five lakh is, like peanuts to Infosys. Some people  write to us asking for free Infosys shares. Over the years I  have learnt to  differentiate the wheat from the chaff, though I  still give a patient hearing  to all the cases. Sometimes I  feel I have lost the ability to trust people. I  have become  shrewder to avoid being conned.   It saddens me to realize that  even as a person is talking  to  me I try to analyze them: Has he come here for   any donation? Why is he praising my work or enquiring about my  health, does he  want some money from me? Eight out of ten times I  am right. They do want my  money. But I feel bad for the other  two whom I suspected. I think that is the  price that I have to  pay for the position that I am in now.    

The greatest difficulty in having money is  teaching your children  the value of it and trying to keep them on a straight  line....  Bringing up children in a moneyed atmosphere is a difficult  task.  EVEN TODAY I THINK TWICE IF I HAVE TO SPEND RS 10 ON AN AUTO WHEN I CAN WALK UP  TO MY HOUSE.  I cannot expect my children to do the same. They have seen money  from the time they were born. But we can lead by example. When they  see Murty  wash his own plate after eating and clean the two toilets in the house everyday  they realize that no work is  demeaning irrespective of how rich you are.  I  DON'T HAVE A MAID AT HOME BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE NEED FOR ONE. When children  see both parents working hard, living a simple life,  most of the time they tend  to follow. This doesn't mean we  expect our children to live an austere life. My  children buy what they want and go where they want but they  have to follow  certain rules. They will have to show me a bill  for whatever they buy.  My  daughter can buy five new outfits but she has to give away five  old ones. My  son can go out with his friends for lunch or dinner  but if he wants to go to a  five star hotel, we discourage it. Or  we accompany him. So far my children  haven't given me any  heartbreak. They are good children. My eldest daughter is  studying  abroad, whereas my son is studying in Bangalore. They don't use  their  father's name in vain. If asked, they only say  that his name is Murty and that  he works for Infosys. They  don't want to be recognized and appreciated because  of  their father or me but for themselves.

I DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT HAVING MONEY FOR  WE HAVE WORKED HARD  FOR IT. BUT I DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE FLAUNTING IT...IT IS A  CONSCIOUS DECISION ON OUR PART TO LIVE A SIMPLE, SO- CALLED MIDDLE  CLASS LIFE.  WE LIVE IN THE SAME TWO- BEDROOM, SPARSELY FURNISHED  HOUSE BEFORE INFOSYS  BECAME A SUCCESS. Our only extravagance is  buying books and CDs.  MY HOUSE HAS  NO LOCKERS FOR I HAVE NO JEWELS. I WEAR A STONE  EARRING WHICH I BOUGHT IN  BOMBAY FOR RS 100. I don't even wear my  mangalsutra until I attend some family  functions or I am with my  mother-in-law. I am not fond of jewellery or saris.  Five years ago,  I went to Kashi where tradition demands that you give up   something and I gave up shopping. Since then I haven't bought  myself a sari or  gone shopping. It is my friends  who gift me with saris. Murty bought me a sari  a long time ago.  It was not to my taste and I told him to refrain from buying   saris for me in the future. I am no good at selecting men's  clothes either. It  is my daughter who does the shopping for  us. I still have the same sofa at home  which my daughter  wants to change. However, we have indulged ourselves with  each one  having their own music system and computer. I don't carry a  purse and  neither does Murty most  of the time. I do tell him to keep some small change  with him but  he doesn't. I borrow money from my secretary or my driver if I   need cash. They know my habit so they always carry extra cash  with them. But I  settle the accounts every evening.  


Murty  and I are two opposites that  complement each other... Murty is  sensitive and romantic in his own way. He  always gifts me  books addressed to From Me to You. Or to the person I most   admire etc. We both love books. We are both complete opposites. I  am an  extrovert and he is an introvert.  I love watching movies and listening to  classical music. Murty  loves listening to English classical music. I go out for  movies  with my students and secretary every other week. I am still  young at  heart. I really enjoyed watching "Kaho Na Pyaar Hai" and I am a Hrithik Roshan  fan. It has been more than 20 years since Murty and I went for a movie.  My  daughter once gave us a surprise by booking tickets for "Titanic". Since I had a  prior engagement that day, Murty went  for the movie with his secretary Pandu. I  love traveling  whereas Murty loves spending time  at home. Friends come and go  with the share prices...  Even in my dreams, I did not expect Infosys to grow  like the way it  has. I don't think even Murty envisioned this phenomenal  success,  at least not in 1981.  After Infosys went public in 1993, we became  what people would  call as rich, moneyed people. I was shocked to see what was   happening to Infosys and to us. Suddenly you see and hear about  so much money.  Your name and photo is splashed in the papers. People talk about you. It was all  new to me.  

Suddenly I have people walking up to me, saying, "Oh! We were such good friends, we had a meal 25 years ago." They claim to have been present at our wedding (which is an utter lie because only my family was present at my wedding.). I don't even know all these people who claim to know Murthy and me so well. But that doesn't mean I don't  have true  friends. I do have genuine friends, a handful, who have  been with me for a  very  long time. My equation with these people has not changed and  vices versa.  I am also very close to Murthy's family, especially my sister-in-law  Kamala Murthy, a school teacher, who is  more of a dear friend to me.  I have  discovered that these are the few relationships and  friendships that don't  fluctuate depending on the price of Infosys  shares.  Have I lost my identity as a woman, in Murty's shadow?...  No. I might be Mrs.  Narayan Murty. I might be Akshata and  Rohan's mother. I might be the trustee of  Infosys  Foundation. But I am still Sudha.. I play different roles like  all  women. That doesn't mean we don't have our own identity. Women  have that extra  quality of adaptability and learn to  fit into different shoes. But we are our  own selves still. And we  have to exact our freedom by making the right choices  in our  lives, dictated by us and not by the world.

-Sudha Murty

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